A warm welcome to you kind visitor. Please enter my "Space of Fantasy". This place is where your imagination will roam free, where your imagination will play a key role in the development of your "fantastic" side. 

At this point you might ask yourself: "What is this exacly?". Well ask no more for i will explain it to you right now. Here you will find tales of times long gone, of extraordinary places, of regular people just like you who will find they're inner hero and much much more. I will be your "story teller" or your guide through the myths and mysteries that you will soon find. Earlyer i was talking about your imagination playing a key role ... Why? Because it is up to your imagination to give shape to the whole thing. It is up to you to let it take you away, into your inner self and find yourself in the characters that will one by one reveal themselves to you. 

We have a magical journey ahead of us, with mystical forces and pure human spirits. It will be captivating. Good day to you visitor !


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About this "space"

LoLo's Space of Fantasy is a place where you will meet fictional characters and fantastic short stories which will widen your mind and imagination.